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St Josephs Primary School Carnacavill

NBA Legacy league

10th Dec 2024

Freya (NVP) and Ruadhan (MVP) pictured with Lauren from Basketball N.I.
Freya (NVP) and Ruadhan (MVP) pictured with Lauren from Basketball N.I.
Ruadhan and Charlie (MVP)
Ruadhan and Charlie (MVP)
Freya and Naimh (MVE)
Freya and Naimh (MVE)
Chicago Bulls overall winners... Erin, Reece,Jack,Oisin,and Holly.  Charlie, Elsie, Paudie, Ellie, Eva.
Chicago Bulls overall winners... Erin, Reece,Jack,Oisin,and Holly. Charlie, Elsie, Paudie, Ellie, Eva.
Carnacaville and Sacred Heart Pupils with Basketball N.I. Coaches
Carnacaville and Sacred Heart Pupils with Basketball N.I. Coaches