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St Josephs Primary School Carnacavill

P6 Rockstars!

24th Feb 2019

All pupils in Key Stage 2 have been working on their times tables through an app, Times Tables Rockstars. At assembly, some children in Primary 6 were presented with certificates because they have achieved an impressive status!

Their speed (status) is calculated by finding the mean of their most recent 'studio games' which tests all tables up to 12 x 12. Some children have gained the status of 'Rock Star' which means they can answer a table fact in less than 3 seconds, others gained the status of a 'Rock Legend' which means they can answer a table fact in less than 2 seconds and one child gained the status of a 'Rock Hero' which means she can answer a table fact in less than 1 second - WOW!!

Everyone is working so hard and we can't wait to see who are next Rock Stars, Heroes and Legends will be.