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St Josephs Primary School Carnacavill

Nominees For First Student Council

12th May 2016

We are delighted to announce that we are setting up St Joseph's very first Student Council which will be under the guidance of Miss Griffin (Student Council Liaison Teacher).

At the beginning of April, Miss Griffin held an assembly with the P4 - P7 pupils and informed them of the plans for the new Student Council. She spoke about the importance of the pupil voice and how all the staff of the school believe in our pupil’s opinions, thoughts and ideas being heard. Following this, Miss Griffin went on to explain that the first task was for the P4s – P7s to nominate peers in their class whom they believe would potentially make excellent Student Council members. She explained that these should be pupils who are passionate about school life and passionate about making a difference. Once nominated, these pupils would then campaign for votes to become members of the Student Council.

On Friday 15th May, pupils were given time in class to nominate and the results were as follows:

Primary Four Nominees:

Oisin Murray, Cara McGuirk, Natalie Cotton and Gavin O'Sullivan.

Primary Five Nominees:

George Thompson, Molly Magennis, Macey Lynch, Ruairi Canavan, Ashley Gibbs, Alannah Beeks and Lily Toland.

Primary Six Nominees:

Aodhan Gorman, Shanna Clendenning, Ellen Hillen, Shea McGuirk and Ethan Valentine.

Primary Seven Nominees:

Fionn Carey, Katie Lowry, Zara Beeks and Shauna Kielty.

Miss Griffin has since met with the above nominees to help them in preparing for campaign week and to aid them with the creating of posters and leaflets. One of the meetings was extra special when MLA Sean Rodgers and his Election Agent Laura Devlin popped in to give the nominees some advice on tackling campaign week. They had plenty of words of wisdom for the nominees and were a brilliant help.

Campaign Week begins on 16th May and we will be sure update you on events as they unfold! Good Luck to all involved.